
Monday, January 14, 2008

Interest fishing activity?

Above is picture captured at fishing pond at Anak Kurau, Batu Kurau, Taiping Perak. It is about 15km from Batu Kurau town. Customer who come here only need to pay about RM10 per hour. Fish that available here are catfish.

Accident between car and van

This is scene that i captured also around my hometown which is Batu Kurau,Taiping Perak. This time van was hit by the car.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Scene of accident

This is scene of accident that i captured around my hometown area. That car which is Produa Myvi drive by female teacher.

Welcome to Gallery of awie958

I would like to welcome all visitor to Gallery of awie958.Gallery of awie958 sharing picture that captured around my hometown. This Gallery are not only sharing picture but also promoting my hometown to the world.I hope after this my hometown which is Batu Kurau ,Taiping ,Perak will be well known by other people not only from Malaysia but also country around the world.